Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Flappers

The most famous symbol for the Roaring Twenties was the creation of a new social rebellious class,the Flappers. "a young woman with bobbed hair and short skirts who drank, smoked and said what might be termed “unladylike” things, in addition to being more sexually “free” than previous generations." Wearing excessive makeup was one thing the Flappers usually did as well. However, this form of social rebellion was not quite followed by all women, in fact most women did not, but in the 1920s women gained unimaginable freedoms. The 19th Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the right to vote. Women of the 1920s began to hold "white-collar jobs" as well. The Flapper was the ideal symbol for the 1920s because it showed a new style to the women who had been oppressed by men since ages before and now were able to rebel again est social assumptions and oppression.

1 comment:

  1. Another good post but you are still avoiding posting your sources. 65/75

    Ms. Donahue
